Yo, it's me, ninoviumPhysicist, and this is my first ever website. I usually post on the tumour of the internet known as Twitter, and you can find my little cell here.
Listen to the best song ever here!!
I'm a CISGENDER BISEXUAL MALE. I am a PISCES, but if you talked to me in person, you most likely would not be able to tell. Currently thinking about partaking in religion.
(in no particular order)
I got into this series around this year because I bought acts 1 & 2 in book form. I initially intended to get more books of more acts, but I couldn't, because we didn't have enough money, and the library didn't have the rest. I enjoy it and still enjoy it because, for the most part, it is timeless, and is still relatable (somewhat) to this day. It is a shame that my I.R.L. friends do not know anything about this. I am a Rogue of Time. Favorite character/kin? I don't know, and I don't have one.
This game has everything an internet coolguy such as myself needs. It's got banging beats, smokin' hot babes, and an awesome community behind it. Er, well, I say "awesome community", but I will be frank, some people there are sissies, and some people there are weirdos. I am not either of these, as I ball.